Saturday 9 November 2013

Nitrogen, Phosphate & Potash for Plants

Keep fertilizer out of water sources, drains and sewers.
The proper balance of certain elements in soil can make or break a garden. Nitrogen, phosphate and potash, naturally occurring elements, are required for healthy, thriving plant life. Soil often lacks in one or more of these components, making the addition of fertilizer necessary. Some natural treatments, like manure, can be used to improve soil quality, though commercially made fertilizers are also available. Remember, plants can get too much of a good thing, so test soil to keep the amount of these elements in your garden at the proper levels.
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Potash, a form of potassium oxide, is vital to plants throughout their life cycle. As it's water soluble and aided in the breakdown process by soil bacteria, potash is easily absorbed by plants and helps them flower and bear fruit. Bonfire ashes, in which no plastics, coal, paint or other chemicals were burned, are a valuable source of potash when sprinkled over a garden. Potash also helps plants better use other nutrients and prevent nitrogen depletion.


Phosphate is a macronutrient and a form of the element phosphorus. Fertilizers containing phosphate help stimulate plant growth, aid the development of strong roots and aid in flowering, notes the University of Minnesota. Common fertilizers contain rock phosphate treated with acid to make it water soluble and easily used by plants. To boost a garden's phosphate levels naturally, use bone meal, dried blood, old banana peels or animal manure to fertilize.


Plant life requires nitrogen to create chlorophyll and nitrogen, among other things. Without enough nitrogen, plants turn yellow and fail to grow, but the presence of this element makes for a lush garden, full of plants with strong stems and leaves. Animal manure, particularly that which comes from rabbits, is high in nitrogen. However, treatments containing wood, like compost rich in sawdust, make nitrogen absorption difficult, so consider the drawbacks of any substances used to fertilize.

Combination Fertilizers

Most commercially available fertilizers contain a mixture of nitrogen, phosphate and potash, the amounts of which are printed on the label using three numbers. For instance, a label reading "5-5-5" contains 5 percent of each element, mixed with a filler like limestone or sand. To choose a fertilizer with the proper concentrations for your garden, have the soil tested to determine what is needed and how much of it is necessary to grow healthy, beautiful plants.
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